The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing (Aesop's Fable)

Once upon a time, a hungry wolf was prowling around the countryside, searching for a meal. After a long day with no success, the wolf found a sheep’s skin lying on the ground. An idea struck him: if he could disguise himself in the sheep's skin, he might be able to sneak into the flock and catch a sheep for his dinner.

The wolf put on the sheep’s skin and carefully adjusted it to make sure it looked convincing. With his new disguise, he approached the sheepfold. The sheep inside did not suspect anything and welcomed the disguised wolf as one of their own.

As the wolf mingled with the flock, he waited for an opportunity to snatch a sheep. He successfully blended in and even began to lead the flock to a secluded area. However, the shepherd noticed that the flock seemed unusually quiet and saw the disguised wolf with suspicion.

One day, as the wolf made his move to grab a sheep, the shepherd, who had been keeping a close watch, approached and quickly recognized the wolf's true identity beneath the sheep's skin. The shepherd exposed the wolf and drove him away with a stick. The wolf fled in fear, realizing his plan had failed.


  1. The Perils of Deception:

    • The core lesson of the fable is the danger of deceit. The wolf's attempt to disguise himself and deceive the sheep illustrates how dishonesty and false appearances can lead to one’s downfall. The shepherd's ability to see through the disguise emphasizes the importance of being aware of deception.
  2. Appearance vs. Reality:

    • The fable teaches that appearances can be deceiving. Just because someone or something looks one way does not mean it is what it appears to be. The wolf’s successful disguise highlights the potential risks of misjudging people based on their outward appearance alone.
  3. Caution and Vigilance:

    • The story underscores the value of vigilance and caution. The shepherd’s careful observation and suspicion helped him recognize the wolf despite the disguise. It serves as a reminder to be cautious and attentive, particularly in situations where deceit is a possibility.
  4. The Consequences of False Pretenses:

    • The wolf’s fate demonstrates that false pretenses and attempts to deceive others often lead to negative consequences. The exposure and subsequent flight reflect the inevitable downfall that comes with deceitful actions.
  5. The Importance of Integrity:

    • The fable implicitly contrasts the wolf’s deceit with the integrity of the shepherd and the sheep. It suggests that honesty and transparency are important values that protect against being misled by false appearances.
  6. Trust and Judgment:

    • The story also reflects on trust and judgment. The sheep’s initial trust in the disguised wolf highlights the need for careful judgment when placing trust in others. It encourages assessing others based on their actions and character rather than mere appearances.
  7. Moral Vigilance:

    • The fable reinforces the need for moral vigilance, both in recognizing deceit and in maintaining one's own integrity. It highlights that moral and ethical awareness can prevent one from falling victim to deception.

"The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing" is a classic fable that offers a timeless lesson about the nature of deception and the importance of vigilance. It serves as a reminder to look beyond appearances and to be cautious of those who might use deceitful means to achieve their goals.


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